Yumite -One of leading China barcode scanner manufacturer Management Team to SONGSHANHU
original by Yumite
2015-05-23 11:24:23
With crazy busy days of working out a barcode scanner bid project client for one month,Mr.Wave Chou,president of Yumite barcode scanner manufacturer together with management team for outward tour to SongShanHu in Dongguan,Guangdong province.
Team member started out from 8:00 and returned to Shenzhen 18:00.
On the road all members are full of joyness and happiness.
As a leading giant of china barcode scanner ,all Yumite members are focus on 100% customer satisfaction.
Yumite main products includes bluetooth scanner,handheld laser barcode scanner,Mini Bluetooth wireless CCD barcode scanner,wireless barcode scanner,bar code scanner etc and if interested,contact us now.